Syllabus Jan -Dec 2024

2nd    Closed
9th     Bi-monthly DPI competition.   Judge: Jane Lines, LRPS, MPAGB, BPE5*, AWPF
16th    L&CPU Folio North 'B'
23rd   ''Sports photography''  A lecture by George Franks
23rd   Handing in night for Audio Visual entries on a data stick to Shane Barker
27th   DEADLINE:  DPI'S for February Print Comp
30th   Annual Audio Visual Competition
30th    DEADLINE:   Handing in night for February Print competition and last handing in night for Exhibition prints

6th   Bi-monthly Print competition.   Judge: Keith Richardson,DPAGB, BPE3
13th   Portrait night
20th  Annual Exhibition DPI judging by Mike Lawrence, DPAGB, AFAIP, HonL&CPU
24th   DEADLINE:   DPI entries for March competition
27th   L&CPU Folio North 'A'
29th   Inter-club battle vs Atherton & District PS  (Away battle at Atherton)

5th   Bi-monthly DPI competition ''TEXTURE''    Judge: Mike Lawrence, DPAGB, AFAIP, HonL&CPU
12th   Annual Exhibition Print judging by Will Stead, EFIAP, CPAGB, PSA3
19th   Chairmans Evening   ''From start to finish''
26th   Annual General Meeting
30th   DEADLINE:   DPI Entries for April Print competition

2nd   Annual Awards Evening
2nd   DEADLINE:  Handing in night for April Print Competition
9th   Bi-monthly Print competition.   Judge: Adrian Hendley, CPAGB
16th  You Tube Videos
23rd  ''Ymirs bones'' A lecture by Gary Waidson, DPAGB, HND
27th   DEADLINE:   DPI's for May Competition 
30th   Audio Visual night

7th   Bi-monthly DPI competition.   Judge: John Riley
14th   Table top night
18th   DEADLINE:  DPI entries for fun challenge ''Water''
21st   DPI Challenge on the theme of ''Water'' - Club to judge
25th   DEADLINE:   DPI's for June Print Competition
28th    Lecture by professional photographer Sophie Lickiss
28th    DEADLINE:   Handing in night for June Print Competition

4th   Bi-monthly print competition.   Judge: Terry Hewitt
11th   Question and Answer night
18th   Inter-club battle vs Swinton & District PS   judge: Colin Douglas
22nd   DEADLINE:   DPI's for July Competition
25th   ''The creative portrait'' A lecture by  Steve Proctor, DPAGB, BPE5, PPSA

2nd Bi-monthly DPI competition.  Judge: Eddie Leach, DPAGB
9th  ''Where are we?''
16th Portrait night
23rd   ''Magic of Colour'' a lecture by Sue Freeman
27th  DEADLINE:   DPI's for August Print Competition
30th     Quiz night
30th  DEADLINE:   Handing in night for August Print Competition

6th  Bi-monthly print competition.   Judge: Martin Pickles
13th Outdoor shoot
20th Inter-club battle vs Rochdale PS.  Judge: Ian Whiston
24th  DEADLINE:   DPI's for September Competition
27th ''Making the most of travel photography'' a lecture by Brian Law

3rd  Bi-monthly DPI competition.    Judge: Daryl Giles
10th Mix & Match night.    Judge: Phil Yates, AMIMI
17th   ''Mono is not a filter'' a lecture by Adrian Lines
21st  DEADLINE:   DPI's for October Print Competition
24th Crossword competition
24th  DEADLINE:   Handing in night for October Print Competition

1st  Bi-monthly print competition.   Judge: Harry Emmett, CPAGB
8th  Before and after
15th Table top night
22nd Audio Visual night
26th  DEADLINE:   DPI's for November competition
29th Show images from outdoor shoot

5th Bi-monthly DPI competition.  Judge: Steve Proctor
12th Lecture  ''Home photography'' by Justin Garner
16th   DEADLINE:   DPI's for themed DPI challenge
19th  DPI Fun Challenge on the theme of ''Urban Spaces'' - Club to judge
23rd DEADLINE:   DPI's for December Print Competition
26th Four prints on one mount
26th DEADLINE:   Handing in night for December Print Competition

3rd  Bi-monthly print competition.   Judge: Will Stead, EFIAP, CPAGB, PSA3
10th Annual Exhibition preparation night
14th  DEADLINE:   DPI's for 2025 Annual Exhibition DPI Categories
17th Christmas party
24th Closed
28th  DEADLINE:   DPI's for 2025 Annual Exhibition Print Categories
28th     DEADLINE:   DPI's for Jan 2025 DPI competition